
The Zonta Club of Medford attempts to use our monthly meeting time to conduct presentations that inform on issues dominating the news and of concern and interest to women. The intent was to draw the attention of women in our communities to our meetings to hear and discuss more RE: these issues presented through Zonta’s lenses and in synch with Zonta’s biennial goals.
The flyers for the monthly programs we conducted are attached for your information. They covered the areas of 1) Reproductive Rights; 2) Health Strategies for Building Resiliency; 3) R.A.D Defense in response to Zonta Says no to Violence Against Women; 4) Modern Pronouns:” They” is Correct. Understanding gender pronouns to enhance inclusivity; 5) Understanding and proactive measures regarding The Environment & Climate Change.
The presenters were individual leaders and professionals in the disciplines they represented and in three cases were Medford Club members.